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The Parts Wizard
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For nearly 20 years, Cardol Data Systems has worked closely with several sectors of the Swimming Pool & Spa Industry to provide software and services which address the unique needs of Pool & Spa Professionals. Our software focuses specifically on the needs of Retail Dealers, Builders, Service Firms and Distributors.
In 1994, we embarked on a radical and perilous journey to develop the Industry's first Electronic Library of product information. That system was to become the grandfather of our current Parts Wizard Library.
Today, our Library is one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of product and parts information available, powered by the fastest and easiest to use parts lookup software in the Industry.
DeepEnd is a full-featured Service and Retail Point-of-Sale System born as a result of many years of software development in the Pool & Spa Industry.
The Parts Wizard
The Parts Wizard is a comprehensive parts finder consisting of a large database of Pool & Spa related products and a set of fast, powerful search tools wrapped up in a simple user interface.
Cardol Data Systems Inc. P.O. Box 58, Hampton, ON, Canada L0B