Parts Lookups
The Parts Wizard has been completely redesigned
so that it can perform both as a standalone program and as an optional module
tightly integrated with DeepEnd. Product items in the
Parts Wizard Library are linked to your Inventory items to enable you to make
direct use of the items found by Parts Wizard lookups.
This design provides the following features and benefits...
- Add Parts Wizard Items to Inventory
Each Parts Wizard screen contains a button that, when clicked, enables you to add,
either the currently selected item or all of the items found by the search, to the Inventory
files. Optionally, you can also add any supplier catalog numbers that exist in the Parts
Wizard Library to your supplier pricing file at the same time and even specify which of
those suppliers to designate as the preferred supplier. This process also create a
persistent link between each parts Wizard item and its corresponding Inventory item.
This feature will save you many hours of data entry time while assuring solid Parts
Wizard / DeepEnd integration.
- Access Inventory-Related Information from Any Lookup
Detailed Inventory-related information is easily accessible from Parts Wizard lookups.
With a single mouse click, you can launch the DeepEnd Inventory Items data form
showing the Inventory item that is linked to the selected Parts Wizard item.
The link between the Parts Wizard item and the Inventory item is established automatically
when items are added to inventory from the Parts Wizard (as described above) or can be
set manually at any time.
Additionally, several Parts Wizard items can be linked to the same Inventory item. For example,
a Hayward filter cartridge and the suitable replacement Aladdin, Pleatco and Unicel cartidges
in the Parts Wizard can all be linked to the same Inventory item. At your option, cross-reference
links like this example can be set up automatically for you when Parts Wizard items are added
to Inventory.
- Add Items to Open Transactions from Any Lookup
Items found in any lookup can be added to any open Sales, Service or Purchase Order
transaction (provided the transaction status and user permissions allow it) directly from
the Parts Wizard screen used for the lookup. For example, you can add replacement parts to
the parts and labor list of a pump repair job directly from the exploded parts view for that pump.
Any parts that are not yet linked to an Inventory item can be added or linked on-the-fly.
Cardol Data Systems Inc.
P.O. Box 58, Hampton, ON, Canada L0B 1J0