Sales Order Entry
This form is used for entering sales where Point-of-Sale equipment
is not used. Product Items, Labor Items and "Other" Items
can all be added to a sale.
- List Page
This page is common to all multi-page data entry forms
and is used to sort, search and navigate through the Order
Entry Sales on file.
The Sales List can be sorted and searched by Order Date,
Invoice Number, Customer, Sales Person, Total Amount or
Balance Owing.
You can also set a special filter on this list by specifying
selection criteria for any of the "user-friendly" fields in
the Order Entry Sales file.
- Details Page
This page contains the list of line items and other details
about the sale including the customer name, address and payments
terms. Here you also select the warehouse to take the inventory
items from and shipping details such as the shipping method,
ship date and freight charge.
Key Features Summary
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- Easy-to-use Order Entry interface
- Alternate "Ship To" address capability
- Individual Discount, Tax Code anmd Memo for each line item
- Automatic Invoice Number assignment
- Sales can include any combination of Product Items, Labor Items
and "Other" Non-Product Items
- Add-On-the-Fly capability for the customer, Line Items and
other lookup codes
- No limit to the number of payments made against a Sales Invoice
Cardol Data Systems Inc.
P.O. Box 58, Hampton, ON, Canada L0B 1J0